Sometimes work as a presentation coach is extra amazing because I get to meet really smart people, with awesome ideas and help them express those ideas to the world at large.  About a month ago, I curated a segment of 5 rapid fire talks for The Economist’s Human Potential event in NYC.  The event was about human capital and the latest thinking in human resources.  The segment I curated was meant to showcase some companies that are really doing it right, all from different dimensions.  Their amazing videos are finally up on YouTube.  Check out what I’m doing when I’m not blogging 🙂

The line-up went as follows:

Dan Sattherwaite, head of HR at DreamWorks
Dimension:  Environment as a motivator

Angela Guy, SVP Diversity, L’Oreal
Dimension: The business case for diversity

Gabe Zichermann, CEO dopamine and founder of the G-Summit
Dimension: Gamification’s role in human resources

Rahul Bhatia, CIO, Consumer Reports
Dimension: Looking to the startup world to refresh older institutions

Diane Hoskins, co-CEO, Gensler
Dimension: Maintaining an entrepreneurship culture